Mateneen – New Europeans Project


Objectives: Working with refugees – New perspectives for both sides

Location: Luxembourg city, Luxembourg

We want to do some technical projects together with refugees. The aim should be to strengthen their self-confidence and abilities to do things. A second objective is to develop helpful technical solutions for their loved ones at home, to help them within EWB Luxembourg projects.

There are currently several thousand refugees, who arrived in Luxembourg. They are waiting for the administration to take care of them. The project should aim on shortening the waiting time, to show them how the working procedure is, and to develop projects/things in an international team. The aim is to strengthen the abilities and prevent the people from losing hope by keeping them busy. By finding solutions for the people in need at home they can start working on the fear for them by doing something. Furthermore, participating companies can look for some skilled potential new worker among that group.

The project involves members of the Engineers Without Borders Luxembourg and interested people in general. EWB Luxembourg works closely with the University. Therefore, its members are international students as well as Luxembourgish residents.


We want to give the refugees an idea how we work here in Europe. We want to strengthen the exchange between the refugees and the Europeans. Sustainable project ideas and technical solutions should be developed for developing countries, including the input of the refugees. Three different projects ideas will be developed, including gardening, housing and energy supply.

The exchange is strengthened between the refugees and the Europeans. We learn from them, they learn from us. Technical skills were seen and tested and potential technical worker can be introduced to Luxembourgish companies if interested.

We will apply the ideas collected with the project in target regions, within EWB Luxembourg projects around the world. People in other countries of the world will benefit from the project. We are aiming with the development aid projects on solutions which can be copied in the target regions by the people. This approach worked out in India already with some solar supplied hot water in large kitchens in social institutions. The results will be included in the project portfolio of EWB Luxembourg.

Project Achievements

We evaluated whether the perception of residents had changed in any way as a result of our activities, as indicated by new participants seeking involvement. Additionally, the project had a significant wider political and social impact. The CIGL Esch employed three new Europeans, and a Libyan architect was able to participate in university studies, allowing him to stay in Luxembourg, which is a success for both him and us. Furthermore, a newspaper article about our project was published in “l’Essentiel,” highlighting our achievements and impact.


EWB Luxembourg “New Europeans” project is developed with the financial support of Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte (call for projects mateneen).